22 V na seminarium z dydaktyki matematyki w IM UKEN w Krakowie w godz. 18-19:30 odbędzie się zdalny wykład Stephena Quirke'a (University of Galway, Irlandia) nt. tba. Spotkania odbywają się na platformie Zoom (Meeting ID: 932 3280 3788, Passcode: S0tKE1)
program poprzednich spotkań
- 9 XII 2022 - Ann Kajander (Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Kanada) i Jennifer Holm (Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Kanada), "How far can learning with representations and reasoning go? Examples with quadratic functions"
- 16 XII 2022 - Alik Palatnik (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Seymour Fox School of Education, Izrael), "Embodied design for spatial geometry learning"
- 20 I 2023 - Zslot Lavicza (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria), "Innovating in Mathematics Education through STEAM and technology-based education approaches"
- 27 I 2023 - Ángel Homero Flores Samaniego (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Meksyk), "Reflective Thinking and Mathematics Learning"
- 24 II 2023 - Nathalie Sinclair (Simon Fraser University, Kanada), temat nawiązuje do książki obecnej wykładowczyni i poprzedniego wykładowcy "I Can't Do Maths"
- 3 III 2023 - Riccardo Minisola (University of Turin, Włochy), "Lesson Study Transposition to Italy: Cultural Challenges"
- 21 IV 2023 - Irene Biza (University of East England, UK), "The MathTASK programme: Using specific classroom situations to develop mathematics teachers’ capacity in identifying, interpreting and acting upon students’ needs"
- 26 V 2023 - Nicolò Cangiotti, Francesco Nappo (Politechnika w Mediolanie, Włochy), "Analogy in mathematics: from epistemology to the classroom and back"
- 23 VI 2023 - Sebastian Rezat (Paderborn University, Niemcy), "Learning mathematisc from (digital) textbooks and other curriculum resources"
- 25 X 2023 - Bronisław Czarnocha (City University of New York, USA), "The Assessment of the Depth of Knowledge Reached During an Aha! Moment Insight"
- 29 XI 2023 - spotkanie robocze "I Have - You Have"
- 20 XII 2023 - Vincent Coumans (HAN University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands), "Studies on Definitions in Mathematical Practice"
- 24 I 2024 - Analissa Cusi (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), "The teacher as a Model of Aware and Effective Attitudes and Behaviours: from a theoretical construction to characterise the role of teachers in classroom discussions to a tool for teacher education"
- 14 II 2024 - Peter Liljedahl (Simon Fraser University, Kanada), "Building Thinking Classrooms: Closing the Lesson"
- 20 III 2024 - Marta Kobiela (McGill University, Kanada), "Mathematics Teacher Educator in Supporting Responsive Teaching"
- 24 IV 2024 - Adam Wachowicz (Politechnika Łódzka), "Analysis of selected problems in teaching the basics of mathematical analysis along with proposals for their solutions"
- 22 V 2024 - Stephena Quirke (University of Galway, Irlandia), "Out-of-Field Teaching in Mathematics in Ireland: Framing the problem and solution"